My Turn: Jake Sömmerfest Lager

Jake, Cellar Operator here at Lakefront, brewed this Sömmerfest Lager. Vienna and Melanoidin malts give this German-style summer beer a freshly toasted biscuit aroma, moderate sweetness and a medium-light body.
- 5.8
- 17
- Gravity
- 12° Plato
- Body
- Medium-Light
- Color
- Golden
About the Brew
About the Brewer:
This beer was brewed by Jake, Cellar Operator here at Lakefront. Jake’s job involves cleaning and sanitizing those tall stainless fermenters, pitching the right amount of yeast to unfermented brew and dry hopping our pale ales with copious amounts of hops. When he’s not adding bucketfuls of spicy green pellets to a violently bubbling IPA, there’s three things Jake likes to do: fishing, more fishing and even more fishing. The man lives to angle. Don’t expect any fish stories outta him, though; he uses all his hot air for blowing glass.
About the Beer:
Jake enjoys a good Maibock. But, when he heard his My Turn was slated for a summer launch, he instead opted for Maibock’s summer cousin: a Sömmerfest Lager. This should satisfy what he’s angling for, especially while he’s casting his line in Lake Michigan. Good German-style beers require balance, just like standing up in a dinghy. Pilsner, Vienna, and Victory malts complement one another with fresh-baked, golden-brown biscuit flavor. The abrupt, moderate sweetness up front is quickly reeled in by citrusy German Saphir hops.
Tasting Notes
Pilsner, Vienna, Dextrin Malt, Melanoidin Malt
Mt. Hood, German Saphir